Due to the recent outbreak of violence, there is a renewed cry for "gun control". Proposals would limit the way ammo could be purchased, put in additional wait time, add mental health evaluations, and/or banning the sale of guns altogether. But....these proposals fail to address the obvious question: would these additional restrictions do anything to curb the recent violent trend?
These new proposals/restrictions would do nothing to solve the problem of violence. Here's why:
1) If there’s one thing we know about criminals: THEY DON'T FOLLOW THE LAW. This alone destroys any logic that gun or ammo control will stop violence. We know this, because there are already laws that prevent these violent acts: murder and/or assault. Those laws aren't stopping these acts; and neither would new restrictions.
2) This recent trends of mass violence have more to do with society than with guns. Guns have been available since the nation was settled. However, the trend of mass violence has only been around the last few years. What changed? Guns didn't change. People changed. More specifically: society changed. But what about society changed? THAT'S the question. And the subject of a future entry.
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