Monday, July 28, 2014

The Ultimate Drivers Exam

I'm convinced. If you can drive in the parking lot of any EKY walmart - you can drive anywhere. ANYWHERE.

Crackheads. Old people. Ancient people (on scooters or in cars). Along with the general person who has no concept of what's going on around them.

All these people trying to navigate a parking lot while obeying virtually none of the existing traffic laws. Noone understands the working of a 4 way stop. Crosswalks become a game of "chicken"; pitting human vs car.

Its total mayhem.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Music Festival Dos and Donts

Not all bellies are made for belly shirts.

Don't do VIP. Part of the experience is being apart of the crowd. Not apart from it.

Unless you're taking pics/video; put down your phone.

If you answer a non emergency phone call, the person on the other end should reach through the phone and throat punch you because there's no way either of you hears any part of the conversation.

If you're wearing ear plugs -why are you here?

Don't pass out. Sadly, this must be stated.

If you're wearing jeans and/or a dress shirt - you're trying WAY too hard.

Just because you can get it on doesn't mean it fits. Know your limits.

On women - the less body hair; the better. I'm told its the opposite on men.

However, apparently, the more facial hair; the better. This does not apply to women.

You're a hipster. We get it. No need to beat us over the head with it. And I don't think there's a prize for the "biggest hipster at the music festival". Although I could easily be wrong.

Wear whatever you want.

Do whatever you want.

Have fun at all costs.


Monday, July 21, 2014

Saving Eastern Kentucky.....Part 3B

I planned to discuss all legislative actions that could help save Eastern Kentucky in one post. Then I quickly realized the wet/dry issue would require so much detail and discussion, that anything else would get lost in the mix.

The innovation and creativity of the Appalachian people will be the catalyst behind revitalizing Eastern Kentucky. Government help isn't a requirement; but could definitely make the process MUCH easier.

To fully realize the roughly outlined tourism plan, Eastern Kentucky must attract new entrepreneurs and a work force skilled in hospitality (jobs dealing with recreation, food, tourism, etc).

How can Eastern Kentucky find new entrepreneurs? The best way is for federal, state, and local governments to give financial incentives to prospective entrepreneurs in return for opening hospitality/tourism based businesses in Eastern Kentucky. In other words, "money talks".

The federal government could provide incentives through the Small Business Administration (SBA). The SBA doesn't make loans themselves. Banks (hopefully local banks. Remember: "buy local") loan the money. The SBA simply guarantees should the business default, the federal government will cover the default; reducing the bank's risk.

As one might imagine, there are some fairly cumbersome guidelines to qualify. These guidelines should be relaxed and the amount of monies available increased for anyone planning to open a hospitality/tourism business in Eastern Kentucky. Banks could loan more, at a reduced risk. This in turn makes it easier for prospective business owners to bet on themselves and Eastern Kentucky.

The state government could relax state income tax on limited liability organizations for businesses operating in Eastern Kentucky. The federal government, along with nearly all states, allow "flow through" limited liability entities to operate without taxation of the entity itself. This is done to avoid double taxation, because the payments from the entity to the owners are taxed too. Kentucky is one of the few states who have an oppressive and ridiculous state income tax on limited liability organizations. This could be forgiven for the first few years for any business opening/operating in Eastern Kentucky.

Finally several creative local tax strategies/incentives that could be in place to encourage the location/relocation of hospitality/tourism business in Eastern Kentucky versus other parts of the state/country. Property tax, local employment tax, etc. could all be forgiven, delayed, or otherwise reduced.

These would make Eastern Kentucky an attractive location for outside and local entrepreneurs to open new hospitality/tourism business.

In addition to talented business owners, the region needs skilled employees. What would talented businesses be without skilled employees? The best way to hone a workforce for the skills needed in hospitality/tourism is through training and education. Training and education could be obtained at local institutions with a track record of results. Several in state institutions offer associates, bachelors, and masters in business. There are recreation degrees. And there are culinary schools in Louisville turning out incredible chefs.

The problem? Education and training costs money. Sometimes a lot of money. The solution? Student loan or subsidized tuition incentives. Federal student loans could be forgiven or offered forbearance in return for being employed in the Eastern Kentucky region. Furthermore the federal and/or state government could subsidize tuition for any prospective student from Eastern Kentucky that commits to the region for a period of time.

These economic incentives make Eastern Kentucky an attractive location for prospective business owners. Furthermore they ensure these same business owners will have a talented and skilled workforce from which to staff their business.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Saving Eastern Kentucky.....Part 3A

The next two installments discuss legislative moves that will help fuel Eastern Kentucky's revival. While a complete revival doesn't necessarily require help from the government. There are definitely several things local/state/federal government could do to aid the revival. 

Up first is a change that must happen socially, then at the polls - the wet/dry issue. Most counties in Kentucky are dry (click the link for a map). To spark growth in tourism, this MUST change.

If you have religious/moral convictions about the issue, think about this: Being dry doesn't stop drinking. It stops potential revenue, which stops growth/development opportunities, which stops the revitalization of our region. Its a financial decision.

Since the invention of the modern automobile, anyone in a dry county who wants to drink; will. They just go to a nearby county/city taking their potential revenue with them. It doesn't promote underage drinking. There are restrictions that come with the relevant ABC licenses and heavy fines associated with serving underage. The same cant be said for bootleggers. So if you oppose being wet for moral reasons, its really not making an impact.

It doesn't cause an increase in DUI related accidents. That's an argument unsupported by facts. Logic suggests residents in a dry county drive further to get a drink, therefore putting them on the road longer; increasing the chances of an accident. Furthermore drinking and driving are already illegal. So anyone making the conscious decision to break the law, it really has nothing to do with county/city lines.

Let's talk money. Restaurants are extremely hesitant to open in dry counties, and for good reason. Alcohol has a high profit margin. Probably the highest. If given the choice, why would a new restaurant open in a dry county? They wouldn't. Its why cities like Prestonsburg, Pikeville, and Whitesburg all show some growth in the entertainment/restaurant sector; while dry counties/cities are stagnant.

Whitesburg is an excellent case study in favor of the wet vote, because it voted wet only a few years ago. Whitesburg voted "moist" in 2007 and wet in 2012. The direct financial impact is incredible. Speaking with Eleanor Caudill, who is the city ABC administrator, stated that going wet generates approximately $120,000 for the city. Per Kentucky law, these funds can be used ONLY to pay for administration and law enforcement. However this still clears up funds from the general budget to be used for other matters.

The indirect financial impact has been just as incredible. Whitesburg added two very busy restaurants/music venues. They've added an active farmers market, which I will discuss in a later post. These additions increase revenue, build a sense of community, and promote a "buy local" culture; which Ill also discuss later. All in all, it makes Whitesburg a place that people want to visit.

If going wet for a tiny town the size of Whitesburg makes $120,000 direct impact, think of what it could do for a dry county. Or the region as a whole.

One might ask: if nearby counties are wet, why should MY county be wet? Being wet is absolutely crucial for food/drink tourism that will focus on Appalachian moonshine distilleries, wineries, and craft beer. Ill outline all these later in more detail. For now, just know these businesses will work alongside adventure related excursions to create the "pull" that makes people want to visit. The more options, the greater the pull. Noone will drive to Eastern Kentucky to visit a lone restaurant.

If counties won't vote wet, then cities need to. If cities wont, then communities need to incorporate into new cities and vote wet. The importance of this issue truly cant be overstated. Without it, Eastern Kentucky's future looks extremely bleak.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Saving Eastern Kentucky......Part 2

If you read part 1 of my plan, you know I think Eastern Kentucky has a chance to successfully reboot using authentic Appalachian culture to develop a tasteful food/drink/nature based tourism destination. Part 1 was basically a big picture outline. Part 2 starts down the yellow brick road discussing the finer details and steps necessary to reach the end game.

The problem that needs immediate attention is infrastructure.

The road to revitalizing Eastern Kentucky begins with - roads. The roads aren't awful. This is probably to ease access to Lexington so Appalachians can spend hard earned money away from home. The need for the "buy local" concept is another issue Ill be addressing later.

Visitors/tourists MUST be able to easily access the area; especially from I64. To do this, roads need 4 lanes the entire way from Lexington to Eastern Kentucky. They're almost there now. Just not quite.

Secondly, cell/data service must improve. Cell service (which I also mean to include data service) in Eastern Kentucky is absolutely abysmal. I would call it garbage; but that would be offensive to garbage everywhere.

Its a struggle to consistently make calls, texts, or get data connection. This is true for either of the cell providers in the area. Even worse, cell service is most scarce along the Mountain Parkway. 

This is crucial, because its the route most tourists would use to access Eastern Kentucky. If there are federal subsidies, it certainly needs to be to improve cell service rather than to provide high(er) speed internet (a SOAR recommendation. As if internet doesn't exist in the area).

Next is the power/electricity reliability. Anyone who's ever lived in Eastern Kentucky knows the power goes out anytime there's even the slightest inclement weather. This is easily solved by burying the power lines. Burying the lines would ensure dependable service and reduce costs of paying linemen overtime to constantly make repairs.

The final point on infrastructure that needs attention is public sewer/water. This is an essential governmental service that must be in place in order to allow the smooth operation of restaurants and other tourism focused businesses. Thankfully this only needs intermediate attention because some cities do a good job. Even the cities that don't do a good job with water/sewer are getting better. One things certain: Eastern Kentucky has several lakes upon which to use as a water source. So this really shouldn't be an issue.

Next up.....legislative framework...

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Saving Eastern Kentucky.....Part 1

There was quite a response to the recent New York Times article "What's the Matter With Eastern Kentucky".

The article focuses on many problems with Eastern Kentucky and why industrialization wont work. Its all pretty much true. But as the great John Wooden said, "Don't let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do". We know what wont work. Lets focus on what will.
When examining Eastern Kentucky the most important questions are: what does the region have? And what can it do?

First, what does Eastern Kentucky have? Eastern Kentucky has difficult, mountainous terrain. There isn't enough flat land available for industrialization or modernization, as noted by the New York Times. However the Times sees only half the picture.

Difficult, mountainous terrain makes Eastern Kentucky impossible to industrialize/modernize. Yet the same is also the region's greatest assets: incredible environmental scenery and wildlife. At every turn there are scenic mountains, lakes, trails and streams. Incredible hunting/wildlife consisting of elk, deer, turkey, etc. Terrific climate for certain kinds of agriculture that could provide small scale/locally sourced vegetables for local/regional restaurants. A perfect climate for growing industrial hemp.

Second, what can Eastern Kentuckians do? Sadly the days of backbreaking, yet well paying, labor in the coal mines are gone; likely never to return. Trust me, it hurts to say. As an attorney coal put a lot of money in my clients pockets; allowing them to pay my fees. Its loss financially hurts me as much as anyone. But we, as a region, need to plan as if coal is finished. Then if coal returns - it will be a HUGE bonus; not a life source the region NEEDS just to survive. Therefore "tunnel vision for coal" MUST stop if the area is to survive.

What are Appalachian people good at? Most people fail to realize Eastern Kentuckians possess several artisanal skills that currently in incredibly high demand both regionally, nationally, and globally. In fact, many of the artisans themselves are yet to realize their skills are in high demand. Also many in the region are exceptional artists and/or musicians.

There's small scale/locally sourced farming. Right now, the fastest growing movement in the restaurant industry is the "farm to table" concept. Eastern Kentuckians have been eating from farm to table for DECADES! Raising gardens and small/medium livestock are skills basically woven into the DNA of many Appalachian people.

Lets not forget moonshine/corn whiskey distillers, which is on the verge of experiencing the type of explosion enjoyed by Bourbon the last few years.

Eastern Kentucky is doomed in terms of industrialization? So what? The region is ripe for sustained, continual success in tourism and cultural export. Not the goofy go-cart, airbrush T-shirt driven tourism of Pigeon Forge (which admittedly, I love too). Instead upscale, rustic, nature driving tourism could quickly and easily begin to bring tourists into the area to spend their money with local merchants/artisans. What's more, the same merchants/artisans could easily export the "Appalachian culture" regionally, nationally, and globally.

In the coming weeks, I'll be writing in more specifics exactly how the region can create a sustainable economy based on tourism and culture. I invite you to follow my posts, and lets all try to reboot Eastern Kentucky together.